Saturday, August 30, 2014

5k for Fertility!

We did the Footsteps for Fertility 5k today! It was such a good opportunity to be with and support other families in similar situations! We finished in 43 minutes, not the best time but my knee is still recovering and Trevor is getting over a cold so it was the best we could do at the time! 

This is such a great organization that is growing and helping so many families! They are having one in Texas on September 20, 2014 for those of you who are close by or want to help support families struggling with infertility! Go to their website here to register or for more information. 

They had so many participants and supporters they were able to give away a record breaking 2 complete IVF cycles and 11 of the $5,000 grants! Unfortunately we didn't win, but I'm glad they were able to help all those other familie! I wish them the best of luck in their treatments and future pregnancies! 


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