Thursday, July 17, 2014

4th of July-Bloxham Reunion

 I'm late in post this but I'm not quite use to this whole blog thing!
Life has also been crazy these past few weeks because we moved! 
(A BIG thanks to Trevor's family for all their help in moving!)
Unpacking and organizing on top of working has been stressful and hectic! 
But thankfully we are now unpacked and mostly organized!
Now we just need to paint and decorate (my favorite part!) and then I'll post pictures!

Our 4th of July consisted of our annual Bloxham family reunion up in Downey, ID. 
It's so fun to see my extended family at least once a year! 

                                                                 (July 4, 2013)
(July 4, 2014)
Here I am with my beautiful mom and grandma! 
Haven't changed that much in a year have we? 
I hope I turn out as wonderful as they are!

My sisters so do make cute babies!
I love my little nieces! 

And here's the Bloxham gang (minus one)! 
What a legacy my grandparents have!

I am so lucky to come from such a wonderful family!
 It may be a big and crazy family but I love them! 

This year Trevor and I were lame and didn't watch fireworks. 
I know, I know! How can you miss the 4th of July fireworks?!
Guess we were just too tired after a long day!
Looking forward to seeing some on the 24th though!

Hope you are all enjoying your summer! 
How did you celebrate the 4th?


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