Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Intro to the Nielsons

Okay, so maybe I'm a few years late in starting this blog, but better late than never, right? I've never been able to keep a new years resolution to write in my journal consistently, I've probably started 10 different journals in my life and never finished 1! So hopefully online will be a little easier for me to keep up with! No promises though! :)

I thought for my first post I would do a little intro to us and our lives! Sorry to friends and family who already know all of this!

Trevor and I met Spring/Summer of 2010. I had just started working for an Ophthalmologist in Salt Lake and Trevor had just started working as a teller at US Bank. I started taking the work deposits from my office to the US Bank that was on the way home, which just happened to be the one Trevor worked at! We started talking/flirting 4-5 days a week when I dropped off the deposit. I would even wait behind multiple cars just to go to the drive-up window to talk to him! (Now days I just use which ever has the shortest line between the window and the air tubes!)

I had been hoping from the beginning he would ask me out or inconspicuously slip me his number on a deposit receipt!  But we both dated different people and one or both of us was usually in a relationship until the Spring of 2011.

I was planning on serving a mission for the LDS Church (visit for more info about the LDS Church!) so I had giving up on relationships and was ready to submit my papers to see where I would serve the Lord for the next 18 months. In March of 2011 I decided I would just ask Trevor out and have someone to hang out with until I left on my mission. I was so nervous everyday seeing him, trying to think of a clever way to ask him out (I had never asked a guy out before!), until finally the conversation went just the way I had planned it out in my head! (We all practice conversations over and over in our head and they never go the way we want! I was so excited when this one finally did!)

It was sometime the last week of March 2011 when I went to do my usual deposit, we made some small talk and this is roughly how the conversation went:

T: Any fun plans for this weekend?

M: Yeah, I actually have tickets to the Saturday afternoon session of General Conference!

T: I'm jealous, I want to go!

M: Well I have an extra ticket if you want to come with me! 

(At this point I'm sure I was all shades of red and sweating profusely waiting for his response!)

*stunned* T: ...Sure...should I give you my phone number?

M: Yeah, that works...

(I'm thinking after his response I have been misreading his signals this whole time and he doesn't actually like me! Crap! This is going to be awkward dropping of the deposits now....)

He slips a deposit slip through the slot with his name and phone number on it.

T: Call me or text me.

M: Ok, see ya later! 

(I quickly sped off before he could see my hands trembling on the steering wheel!)

I had to follow the 24 hour rule so that I didn't seem desperate, so the next day (after an embarrassing explanation) I asked the other girl at the office drop off the deposit to him! She called me after dropping it off and told me that Trevor had asked why I hadn't called or texted him yet! So I called him that night and we talked on the phone for a while and set our plans for Saturday.

Our 1st Date: April 2, 2011
Trevor had to work Saturday morning, so I was going to pick him up at 1 and then head to the Conference building for the afternoon session. So I got there, waited inside while he closed up, drove down town and parked. We walked to the conference center and waited inline making small talk. We were about 10 people from the door and they said that it was full! Oh crap! What are we going to do now?! People were heading over the the tabernacle building on Temple Square, but that gets so cramped I knew a claustrophobic person like myself would not do well! I was so embarrassed as we walked back to my jeep and tried to think of a different place we could watch conference! All I could come up with was my parents house! Awkward, right?! So we drove to my parents house (which was only about 15 minutes from down town) and sat on the couch watching conference with my mom in the chair next to us!

After conference we decided to go to Jamba Juice and I apologized for the most awkward date ever (who hangs out with their Mom on the first date?!) but Trevor was cool about it! My master plan failed, but somehow my charm must have won him over because we went out again Monday, and then almost every day after that!

(One of our dates at a REAL soccer game)

The Proposal: May 7, 2011
Our relationship got serious very quickly, much to my dismay! It threw a huge damper into my mission plan! I spend many nights praying and asking everyone I could think of what I should do! I fasted, read the scriptures, and my patriarchal blessing over and over trying to find my answer if I should stay and get married or if I should go on my mission as planned (and hope Trevor was still single when I got back!). It was finally a patient at work who gave me the answer that I needed to hear.

I decided to stay and see where the relationship went. After about 2-3 weeks of dating Trevor said those 3 little words, and proposed on May 7th. I know what you all are thinking! That is CRAZY! Believe me, we thought it too! I had always said I was going to date a guy for a year before I married him....a month in close enough right?! ;) But after a lot of fasting and prayer, we felt it was right! So why wait?!

On May 7th he asked my mom if she would get me out of the house for about 1/2 hour so she sent me on a errand to get her a Jamba Juice (which she didn't even end up drinking!). I came back and after talking with her and my sister-in-law, she finally told me to go downstairs where my room was covered in balloons with a letter. The letter sent me on a scavenger hunt to where we first met (US Bank), where another clue sent me to Ensign Peak (where we had gone on a date). So after hiking half way up to the amphitheater another clue sent me to Temple Square where he had first said "I love you". There he was waiting for me with a rose and a (fake) ring (I wanted to pick out my own ring)! He proposed and I (obviously) said yes!

Isn't he so cute?!

We set the date for July 22, 2011 and were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple for time and all eternity! (That's right, all in 3 months!) It was quick and crazy! My sister and I had a heck of a time planning the reception, getting my dress, and getting all the other details ready in such short notice but it all worked out in the end! We are celebrating our 3 year anniversary this July! I am soooo blessed to be married to my best friend who supports me, helps me, loves me, and spoils me! I couldn't ask for a better companion to spend forever with! I luh ya Trev!

One of our our engagements:

And lastly one from our wedding day!:

<3 Michelle

P.S. I hope you all enjoyed reading about how we met and got engaged! Sorry this post ended up so long! Once I started writing it out, it was just so much fun to remember it all I didn't want to leave anything out!